Dr. med. Andreas Reis, MSc
Seit 2003
Medical Officer im Department of Ethics and Social Determinants of Health der Weltgesundheitsorganisation in Genf.
AiP und Assistenzarzt an der Klinik I für Innere Medizin der Universität zu Köln. Studium der Gesundheitsökonomie in Köln mit Abschluss MSc.
Promotion zum Dr. med. an der Universität Heidelberg
Studium der Medizin in Regensburg, Heidelberg, Montpellier und Santiago de Chile
(gefördert von der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- Public Health Ethik
- Fragen der Verteilungs- und Zugangsgerechtigkeit
- Ethische Aspekte von Programmen zur Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten (HIV, Pandemische Influenza, Tuberkulose)
- Global Health Ethics (aus Sicht der Weltgesundheitsorganisation)
Carl H. Coleman, Michael J. Selgelid, Andreas Reis, Lee B. Reichman, Ernesto Jaramillo (2012): The Role of Informed Consent in Tuberculosis Testing and Screening. Eur Respir J 2012; 39: 1057–1059.
Available at: http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/39/5/1057.full.pdf+html
Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau, Andreas Reis, Calvin Ho (2011): Global Summit of National Ethics Committees: an essential tool for international dialogue and consensus-building. Indian J Med Ethics. 2011 Jul-Sep;8(3). Available at: http://www.ijme.in/pdfs/193di154.html.pdf
Andreas Reis, Ernesto Jaramillo (2011): Why ethics matters in tuberculosis prevention, care and control. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2011 Jun; 15 Suppl 2:S3-5. Available at:
Carl H Coleman, Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau, Andreas Reis (2008): The contribution of ethics to public health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 86, Number 8, August 2008, 577-656. Available at: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/86/8/08-055954/en/index.html
Carl H. Coleman, Andreas Reis (2008): Potential penalties for health care professionals who refuse to work during a pandemic. JAMA, March 26, Vol 299, No.12 1471-1473
Andreas Reis, Carl H. Coleman (2008): Social Justice is a Global Issue: Ethical Pandemic Planning. Letter to the Editor. Hastings Center Report, January-February 2008, p. 4.
Carl H. Coleman, Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau, Andreas Reis, Alexander M. Capron (2007): How should ethics be incorporated into public health policy and practice? Bulletin of the World Health Organization, July 2007, 85 (7), 504
Reis A, Ihle P, Paulus U, v. Ferber L , Diehl V, Walshe R (2006):Cost of illness of malignant lymphoma in Germany. European Journal of Cancer Care, Vol. 15, issue 4, 379-385.
Afschin Gandjour, Thomas Kerschbaum, Andreas Reis, Karl Wilhelm Lauterbach (2005): Technology assessment in dentistry – a comparison of the longevity and cost-effectiveness of inlays. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 21: 319-325
Capron AM, Reis A (2005):Authors’ reply to: Allocating antiretrovirals in South Africa: Using modeling to determine treatment equity. PLoS Med 2(6): e186.
Available at: http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=read-response&doi=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020069#r846
Capron AM, Reis A (2005):
Designing an equitable strategy for allocating antiretroviral treatments.
PLoS Med, 2(3): e69
Available at: http://medicine.plosjournals.org/archive/1549-1676/2/3/pdf/10.1371_journal.pmed.0020069-L.pdf
Grau AJ, Reis A, Buggle F, Al-Khalaf A, Werle E, Valois N, Bertram M, Becher H, Grond-Ginsbach C (2001): Monocyte function and plasma levels of interleukin-8 in acute ischemic stroke. J Neurol Sci., Nov 15;192(1-2):41-7.
Andreas Reis and Ronald Fung (2012): Ethics of Research in Epidemics.
In: Global Health Security. Editors: Michael Selgelid and Christian Enemark. (forthcoming).
Andreas Reis (2012): WHO project on responsible life sciences research for global health security: why ethics and how to strengthen it? In: Book on ethical issues in dual use, edited by Michael Selgelid. Emmanuelle Tuerlings, (forthcoming).
Andreas Reis, Ana Bierrenbach, Chen-Yuan Chang, Mary Edginton, Philippe Glaziou, Ernesto Jaramillo, Nancy Kass, and Abha Saxena (2011): Ethical considerations. In: Tuberculosis prevalence surveys: a handbook. WHO, 2011.
Andreas Reis (2009): Les enjeux éthiques de la préparation à une pandémie grippale et de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de réponse à l’OMS. In: Pandémie grippale: l’ordre de mobilisation. Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2009.
Andreas Reis (2009): Ethical considerations. In: Guidelines for surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis. WHO/HTM/TB/2009.422, WHO, Geneva, 2009. Available at:
Addressing ethical issues in pandemic influenza planning. Discussion papers. WHO, Geneva, 2008. (Co-editor)
Available at: http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/cds_flu_ethics_5web.pdf
Ethical considerations in developing a public health response to pandemic influenza. Geneva, WHO, 2007 (Main responsibility). Available at:
Andreas Reis (2007): Les enjeux éthiques de la préparation à une pandémie grippale et de l’élaboration d’une stratégie de réponse à l’OMS. In: Pandémiques Nr 2-3. p. 122-124. Paris 2007. ISBN: 2-916471-00-6
Basic Principles for Treatment and Psychosocial Support of Drug Dependent People Living with HIV/AIDS. WHO, 2006. (Contribution) Available at: http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/publications/basic_principles_drug_hiv.pdf
Life science research – Opportunities and risks for public health: Mapping the issues. WHO, 2005. (Contribution)
Available at: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2005/WHO_CDS_CSR_LYO_2005.20.pdf
Equity and fair process in scaling up antiretroviral treatment: potentials and challenges in the United Republic of Tanzania. WHO, GTZ, MoH Tanzania, 2005. (Co-Author)
Available at: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2006/9241593644_eng.pdf
Andreas Reis, Peter Ihle (2005): Krankheitskostenanalysen [German: Cost of illness studies]. In: Sozialdaten – ein Handbuch der Sekundärdatenanalyse. Huber, 2005
Andreas Reis, Christian Lenk, Christiane Reis-Streussnig, Nikola Biller-Andorno,
Evidence-based Medicine in Mental Health: Towards better and fairer treatment?
In: Meulen, R. t./Biller-Andorno, N./Lenk, C./Lie, R. (Eds.) (2005): Evidence-based Practice in Medicine and Health Care. A Discussion of the Ethical Issues., VI, 184 p. 16 illus.Springer, S. 65-75.
Andreas Reis (2004): Consultation on equitable access to treatment and care for HIV/AIDS. Summary of issues and discussion. Geneva: WHO/UNAIDS; 2004. (Main responsibility)
Available at: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2004/9241592338.pdf
World Health Organization. The World health report : 2004 : changing history. WHO, 2004. (Contribution)
Guidance on ethics and equitable access to HIV treatment and care. Geneva: WHO/UNAIDS; 2004. (Main responsibility)
Available at: http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/advocacy/en/guidanceethics_en.pdf
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Health: The Key to Human Development. WHO, 2000. (Contribution, see page 121).
Also published in German: Vision: Mehr Lebensqualität für alle. Aus der Reihe: Visionen für das 21. Jahrhundert. Die Buchreihe zur EXPO 2000. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 2000.
Andreas Reis (2007): Daniel Callahan, Angela A. Wasunna, Medicine and the Market: Equity v. Choice. Med Health Care and Philos (2007) 10:481–486.
Andreas Reis
WHO Perspective on Ethics and Global Health Security. In: Biosecurity and Globalization: Ethical Issues in Infectious Disease and Dual Use Research.
10th World Congress of Bioethics, Singapore, 30th July 2010
Andreas Reis
Ethical issues in pandemic preparedness: Global Guidance and National Planning. In: Metrics for Ethics: Developing Practice-Based Indicators for the Evaluation of Ethics-Related Components of National Pandemic Preparedness Plans.
10th World Congress of Bioethics, Singapore, 30th July 2010
Andreas Reis, Matteo Zignol, Ernesto Jaramillo
The purpose and process of the WHO project on Addressing Ethical Issues in TB Control Programmes. 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health. Cancun, Mexico, 6 December 2009
Andreas Reis, Emmanuelle Tuerlings, Ottorino Cosivi
Risk management in life science research: The contribution of an ethical framework. International meeting on health regulation and ethics. Santiago, Chile, 23 -25 April, 2009.
Andreas Reis and Carl Coleman
Ethical issues in pandemic influenza planning and response: The activities of WHO.
Abstract for the 136th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, CA. October 25-29, 2008
Carl Coleman and Andreas Reis
Addressing Ethical Issues in Pandemic Preparedness: National Efforts, WHO Guidance and Future Directives. Abstract for the 9th World Congress of Bioethics. 3rd – 8th September, Rijeka, Croatia
Emmanuelle Tuerlings, Ottorino Cosivi, Andreas Reis and Tikki Pang
Bioethics and biosecurity for life science research. Abstract for Dual Uses of Biomedicine: Whose responsibility? 9-10 June 2008, Stockholm
Andreas Reis, Donna Higgins
Addressing ethical issues in HIV testing and counseling strategies. Setting an ethical agenda for health promotion. Abstract book, p. 89. Ghent, Belgium.
Andreas Reis, Emmanuelle Tuerlings
Bioethics and health security: the use and misuse of results of life science research. Sociedad Internacional de Bioética. Abstract book, p. 24. V Congreso Mundial de Bioética, Gijón, Spain.
Andreas Reis. [German] Prozedurale Ansätze zur kulturübergreifenden Bioethik in der internationalen Politik: Erfahrungen der WHO. Workshop „Zur Möglichkeit einer kulturübergreifenden Bioethik“,Zürich, 1 April 2006
Andreas Reis, Alexander M. Capron. [Spanish] Acceso equitable a la prevención y al tratamiento para VIH/SIDA. IV Congreso Mundial de Bioética, Gijón, Spain, 21-25 November 2005
Andreas Reis, Verina Wild, Nikola Biller-Andorno
[German] Gerechter Zugang zu HIV/AIDS Medikamenten – Ein Beispiel für die Allokationsproblematik aus internationaler Perspektive
Jahrestagung der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e.V., Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen. Ethische Probleme in Theorie und Praxis. Münster, 30.09.-02.10.2004
Effy Vayena, Andreas Reis, Charles Gilks
Equity in reproductive health: Do we need a new research agenda?
Global Forum for Health Research, Global Forum For Health Research 7, December 2003, Geneva.
Fink, A., Tscholl, E., Franklin, J., Reis, A., Zettelmeyer, U., Paulus, U.: Versorgungsstrukturen bei Lymphompatienten in Köln und im Saarland. In: Holger Pfaff et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Gesundheitswissenschaften: Gesundheitsversorgung und Disease Management. Grundlagen und Anwendung der Versorgungsforschung, Bern 2003 Artikel 122kB
Reis A, Gandjour A, Paulus U, Franklin J, Lauterbach K, Diehl V, Walshe R
Prospective health economic evaluation of medical care for patients with malignant lymphomas: First results
Value in Health, 5 (3), May/June 2002: 195
Reis, A., Gandjour, A., Paulus, U., Franklin, J., Lauterbach, K., Diehl, V., Walshe, R.: Medical care for lymphoma patients: first results of a prospective health economic evaluation. Ann Oncol 13 (Suppl 2), A 613 (2002) (Abstract 43kB)
Reis, A., Gandjour, A., Paulus, U., Franklin, J., Lauterbach, K., Diehl, V., Walshe, R.: Prospective health economic evaluations of medical care for patients with malignant lymphomas. 7th Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Phamacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Arlington 2002 ( Abstract 45kB)
Walshe R, Glossmann J, Waldschmidt D, Reis A, Diehl V
Changing strategies in the promotion of health care research in Germany. Value in Health, Nov/Dec 2001; 4,(6):429
Jüttler E, Grau A, Reis A, Buggle F, Hacke W
[German] Serum nach ischämischem Schlaganfall induziert Transkription von Tissue Factor in Endothelzellen.
72. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Magdeburg, 30.09. – 03.10.1999
Armin Grau, Eric Jüttler, Andreas Reis, Caspar Grond–Ginsbach, Athal Al–Khalaf, Florian Buggle, Werner Hacke
Serum after ischemic stroke induces Tissue Factor transcripts in endothelial cells.
8th European Stroke Conference, Venice, Italy, April 7-10, 1999. Editor: M.G. Hennerici, Mannheim.
Cerebrovasc Dis 1999;9(Suppl.1):20-23
Grau A, Al-Khalaf A, Werle E, Buggle F, Bertram F, Reis A, Grond-Ginsbach C, Hacke W
Monocyte function in acute ischemic stroke.
Stroke 30: 259
Buggle F, Grau A, Reis A, Bertram M, Melk A, Hacke W
Expression of tissue factor by monocytes in acute ischemic stroke.
Ann Neurol 44: No 3 M15
- „Ethical issues and pandemic planning.“ WHO Global Consultation on Pandemic Disease Control Strategies. Geneva, 3 April, 2008
- „An introduction to public health and research ethics.“ Seminar at Masters‘ Program for International Public Health. University of Heidelberg, 25 February 2008
- „Ethical considerations related to the allocation of stockpiled medicinal products.“ European Commission Workshop Stockpiling of Medicinal Products. Luxembourg, 21-22 February 2008.
- „Pandemic preparedness: Monitoring and ethical issues.“ Pandemic Risk Talk. Swiss Re, Zürich, 15 January 2008
- „Managing the risks posed by life science research: The role of ethics.“ Research Policy and Management of Risks in Life Science Research for Global Health Security. Bangkok, 10-12 December 2007
- „Ethical issues in rapid containment strategies“. Pandemic Influenza – Rapid Containment International workshop. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 4 December 2007
- „Les enjeux éthiques dans les stratégies d’endiguement rapide.“ Pandemic Influenza – Rapid Containment International workshop. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 30 November 2007
- „Les enjeux éthiques dans les stratégies d’endiguement rapide.“ Pandemic Influenza – Rapid Containment International workshop. Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, 29 November 2007
- „Ressourcenallokation und gerechter Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen in Tuberkulose-Programmen“. Lecture at University of Cologne, Germany, 5 November 2007.
- „Addressing ethical issues in HIV testing and counseling strategies“. Setting an ethical agenda for health promotion. Ghent, Belgium, 20 September 2007
- „Ethical considerations in developing a public health response for pandemic influenza.“ World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, 2 September 2007
- „Ethical issues in infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS, pandemic influenza, and tuberculosis.“ Swiss Bioethics Summer Academy 2007 for Chinese Bioethics Fellows, Geneva, 22 August 2007
- „Ethical issues in rapid containment strategies“. Pandemic Influenza – Rapid Containment International workshop. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2-5 July 2007
- „Ethical issues in pandemics – the obligations of and to health care workers.“ International Council of Nurses Conference. Yokohama, Japan, 30 May, 2007.
- „Bioethics and health security: the use and misuse of results of life science research.“ Andreas Reis, Emmanuelle Tuerlings. V Congreso Mundial de Bioética, Gijón, Spain, 21-25 May, 2007
- „Ethical issues in rapid containment strategies“. Pandemic Influenza – Rapid Containment International workshop 26 – 29 March 2007, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- „Ethical issues in rapid response and containment strategies for avian and pandemic influenza.“ 2nd Sub-Regional Workshop on Rapid Response for Avian and Pandemic Influenza, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia, 7 March 2007.
- Pandémie grippale: „Enjeux éthiques, accès aux soins et aux traitements. Réflexions éthiques et projet de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé“. Paris, 15 February 2007
- „Equity in Moving Towards Universal Access for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care: How can a fair process improve equity in light of competing principles for policy-making?“ Conference („Fachgespräch“) at the GTZ HQ, Eschborn, Germany, 5 December 2006.
- „Das WHO-Projekt: Ressourcenallokation und gerechter Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen im Falle einer Influenza-Pandemie“. Lecture at University of Cologne, Germany, 4 December 2006.
- „Ethical issues in rapid response and containment strategies.“ Potential Pandemic Influenza: Rapid Response and Containment (RRC). International Workshop, Jakarta, Indonesia, 27 November – 1 December 2006
- “ Ethical and social concerns in the selection of donors.“ 7th General Meeting of the Global Collaboration for Blood Safety, EMRO, Cairo, 15 November 2006
- „Le rôle de l‘ Organisation mondiale de la Santé face aux enjeux éthiques des pandémies.“ Rencontres Francophones de Bioéthique, Bucarest, Romania, 2-4 November 2006
- 1er Colloque national Ethique & Pandémie Grippale, Ministère de la Santé et de la Solidarité, Paris, France, 15 Septembre 2006
- „Addressing ethical issues in pandemic preparedness: the role of WHO“. Satellite on Public Health Ethics and Control of Emerging Contagious Diseases. World Congress of Bioethics, Beijing, 4-9 August, 2006
- „Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen am Beispiel von Prävention und Behandlung von HIV/AIDS“. Sommer-Seminar der Carlo-Schmid-Stiftung, Chorin, 26.-30. Juli 2006
- „Prozedurale Ansätze zur kulturübergreifenden Bioethik in der internationalen Politik: Erfahrungen der WHO“. Workshop „Zur Möglichkeit einer kulturübergreifenden Bioethik“, Zürich, 1 April 2006
- „Acceso equitable a la prevención y al tratamiento para VIH/SIDA.“ IV Congreso Mundial de Bioética, Gijón, Spain, 21-25 November 2005
- „Provider-initiated HIV Testing and Counselling.“ WHO Ethics Council, 02.11.2005
- „Ethics and Public Health at the WHO“, Institute of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics, University of Cologne, Germany, 30.05.2005
- „Verteilungsgerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen am Beispiel von Prävention und Behandlung von HIV/AIDS“, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Stipendiatentreffen in Genf, 15.04.2005
- „Ethical issues in public health“, Health Leadership Service Introduction Course, Geneva, 13.04.2005
- „Information and documentation systems for ethical issues: the WHO perspective“, European Commission Workshop „Setting up an information and documentation system for ethical issues“, Brussels, Belgium, 21.10. 2004″,
- „Gerechter Zugang zu HIV/AIDS Medikamenten – Ein Beispiel für die Allokationsproblematik aus internationaler Perspektive“, „Jahrestagung der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e.V., Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen. Ethische Probleme in Theorie und Praxis. Münster, 30.09.-02.10.2004
- „Ethics and equitable access to treatment and care for HIV/AIDS“, workshop on ART at the summer seminar of the German Development Agency (GTZ), Glashütten, Germany, 25.08.2004
- „Guidance on Ethics and Equitable Access to Treatment and Care for HIV/AIDS“. Third International Conference of the International Society for Equity in Health: Durban, South Africa, 12 June 2004
- „Patient selection, guidelines, adaptations: equity considerations“. IMAI Guidelines Adaptation Workshop: Geneva, 29 April 2004
- „Equity- from theory to practice“. GTZ Annual Meeting Africa:, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1 March 2004
- „Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation“. Technical Advisory Group Meeting: „Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A Guide For Essential Practice“:, WHO HQ, 9 February, 2004
- „Ethical issues in Cancer Screening“. WHO Ethics Council, 6 January, 2004
- „Equity in Reproductive Health: can a new research agenda improve access to services ?“ Co-organisation of Session and presentation at Global Forum for Health Research, Geneva, 3rd December 2003
- „Ethics and Equity“. WHO Equity Meeting, Geneva, 17 November 2003
- „The Global Burden of Disease“, Symposium Krankheitskostenrechnung für Deutschland, Statistisches Bundesamt, Bad Breisig, 30./31.Oktober 2003
- „Ethical Issues in Violence and Injury Prevention“. VIP, WHO, Geneva, 1 July, 2003
- „Emergencies during air travel“. Cologne, First Department of Internal Medicine, June 2002